Friday, April 18, 2014

Update-four years out

Hey Ya'll!

So I know its been a long time, but I figured I would update you on some things!

Things have JUST been settling in with my jaw and mouth, and I mean within the last six months. About a year ago, I was having extreme jaw pain and clicking when chewing. I would also experience my jaw "catching" on the joint sometime and would have to push it back in to function again. I was also still having a hard time opening my mouth very wide because of the back tendons being so tight. I talked to my surgeon again and he referred me to a TMJ specialist.

Turns out that the disc in my TMJ joint was slipping out of the joint which contributed to my feelings of the jaw "catching". He gave me a mouth guard which actually maneuvered my jaw to the position which the disc would not slip out. That was about one year ago. I have been wearing that every night since, and have not have catching, slipping, or any other jaw pain since.

I would recommend going to a TMJ specialist if you experience these same issues, as it is common post-surgery because of the dramatic changes and your mouth trying to settle. I can chew anything now and open my mouth regularly. Pain free finally!!

Here is a recent picture of what my face looks like, I know the post surgical ones didn't reflect a very good image because of things still being swollen and still settling down.