Monday, November 29, 2010

A Long Time Coming....

I can't believe it is time. After we found out orthodontic manipulation was not able to solve the apparent open and under-bite problem, we began the surgical process. Since that time at twelve years of age, my jaw continued to spread apart resulting in difficulty in not only talking, but breathing, chewing and swallowing as well. We began the long 18 month process of orthodontic work realigning the teeth in preparation for the surgery. I am still surprised to this day the amount of hardware they placed into my very, very tiny mouth. I had brackets, wires, bands, springs, steel-ties, chains, and hooks, sometimes all at once. This resulted in huge ulcers, holes, cuts, rips, and tears simply because the metal would catch on the soft tissue. I was nicknamed "The Joker" by my mom because of the tears on the sides of my mouth from numerous doctors stretching to get past the hardware in hopes of reaching any remains of a tooth's surface. Chapstick became my best friend that year. To say the least, it was an awesome weight maintenance program, seeing the only way to eat a sandwich was to cut off the part my teeth could not with my thumb underneath the bread. I envied those who could gracefully bite an apple, and longed to clench down on a french fry with the front teeth. Even crunchy things like apples are now painful to chew because of the improper alignment of my jaw resulting in popping and dislocation. Lip straining also became evident with the inability to close my mouth. I am more excited for this procedure than nervous. In fact, the thing I am most concerned with is the atrophy of muscle. An ambilitory person with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (which is almost unheard of) views thier muscle as precious cargo, for without it they would most likely end up in a chair. Though I am no longer afriad of this inevitable outcome, I contine to fight the odds and plan to retire to the wheelchair only when God instructs me to do so. I have dedicated many hours into biking and exersize just to keep walking. Therefore, I am worried about the two week resting period required for recovery in fear of muscle loss because of my diet. Two weeks after the surgery, I am to be only on a liquid diet, followed by a pureed diet for five weeks. Becuase of this, I am worried about muscle loss, which is detrimental to my walking. Through this, God has remained faithful and provided the best surgical team after months of searching. I know some of the hardest months are yet to come, but He will be there with me, as He always is. I am just grateful He has provided me with the opportunity to correct this problem. I will keep you posted, and will put pictures up soon!

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family during your upcoming surgery and recovery. Best wishes to you, in all that is well. Vicki
