Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week Six Update

 I went in last two Thursday's ago for a follow up and left without a splint. As exciting as this was, I still could not go back to eating normally because we encountered another problem: I could not open my mouth more then 2 centimeters. Since I had my wisdom teeth pulled in conjunction with the jaw surgery, the skin healed the wrong way. Having my mouth closed for two weeks caused the skin to grow over the joint that allows the jaw to open and close. Though I am stretching this 2-3 times a day with popsicle sticks, I do not see any improvement within the last three days. If I do end up going under for corrective surgery, it will not be as extensive, which I am thankful for. This is in no way anything the doctor could have prevented seeing that I had three surgeries in one (Lefort 1, Bilateral Sagittal Split, and Wisdom Teeth Removal). Other then that I feel great. My strength has almost fully returned, there is low nerve pain, and almost all sensation is back in the cheeks. There is absolutely no sensation in the chin and lower lip, but he said it should return within 18 months. I still am not touching on the left side, but the orthodontics have helped it close more. I am confident that it will close with the manipulation of ortho.

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