Monday, December 20, 2010

The First Week Out

Wow....I am going to be honest and say those were the worst three days of my life. I woke up in recovery  after about seven hour of surgery. The best explanation of how I felt was being hit by a semi-truck then another one slightly smaller then that. I was so numb, I didn't even know if I had a face. I found out I had a very weak stomach and couldn't tolerate the amount of drugs they put in my body. To say the least, the next two days, all I accomplished was two bowls full of puke. I know it's disgusting, but it was very real. There were times that I thought I really couldn't make it through this. I was so frustrated with my body, I had wished I had never done the surgery. But now that I am out of that cloud, I can already see it was totally worth it. The only advice I would give to the next patient having this procedure is to think of the worst it possibly could be, then times it by ten. I would also tell them that it is totally worth it, I am already so happy with the results so far. I would also advise them to contact someone who has gone through this before so they can tell you what to expect and what to do with certain problems that arise.  It was only until Saturday that things started to improve. I started to hold things down and begin to feel better. It takes so much time and dedication to this procedure both with recovery and food, something I was unaware of before the surgery and something I wish I had known when coming out of surgery. I can't wait to begin the pureed diet, I am just about done with the powdered milk and protein shakes.  I hope that by Thursday I can begin the wonderful world of substantial food. Sorry it took me so long to update I will post on Thursday with my next consult with the doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Brynne, God bless you girl. That's a lot to deal with, but praise God He's given you the strength to endure. I'm also happy to hear you say, "it was totally worth it." We're praying with you and for you. You can do all things through Christ who is your strength!

    Stan Graham
    Pastor, Pathways Church
