Monday, December 13, 2010

This Is It!

The time is tickin' and I have nothing left to say but, this is it. I am as ready as I will ever be. It is surprising though because I am a lot less nervous then I had expected to be. Maybe i'm suppressing the nerves simply because I had to. It took my every focus just to get passed this semester which gave me little time to even entertain the thought of my surgery. Quite frankly, that scares me. It's so typical for anything I thought of to turn out the opposite way. I also think it's because I know this is such a God thing. You know, those moments you begin to see God in every event leading up towards the anticipated moment. When you see him that clearly, it's hard to be nervous about anything, really. It's weird to think that in seven hours, my jaw will be completely transformed. that pretty much sums up the feeling right now, just weird. I was unaware that to post a comment you have to sign up for something. If I had known, I would have done a different blogsite. If you would like to comment, you can e-mail me at Thanks!

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