Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Week Before

The time is just flying by. I am now starting to feel the jitters, which is not ideal seeing that finals are all this week. Hopefully the business will keep my mind of the nerves. I had a chance to speak to my SMA doctor about my concern of muscle loss this week, and he said the lack of caloric intake will not affect the muscle. Because of the muscle being hypertrophic (10 times the normal size), they will diminish but regain once I begin my personal training again. This was very encouraging to hear and takes a load of stress of my mind. My plan was to start biking as soon as I can to keep the muscle active.  I will still get back on the bike as soon as possible, but now I can make recovery my first priority. My next written post will be the night before the surgery, so until then!
Thanks, Brynne Willis

1 comment:

  1. Brynne, You are in our prayers. Sorry you have to go through all of this. God will be with you every step of the way. God Bless Deb and Larry
